30 December 2009

25 December 2009

Icelandic Christmas song

Here is a link to an Icelandic Christmas song "Nóttin var svo ágæt ein". It is a song about the wonder of Christmas night when Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

22 December 2009

Saint Lucy

Saint Lucy (danish sankt Lucia)parade, the old people in the local nursing home are very glad, when the children visit them.

20 December 2009

6 December 2009

STadil-Vedersø Skole Denamrk

Stadil-Vedersø Skole is a public primary school. It is located near the North Sea, 120 km east of Århus and 15 km north of Ringkøbing. We have 80 children (age 6-12) in the school.
Our website